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Neck Contouring

Neck contouring creates a firmer, smoother, and more refined appearance to the neck and chin, which can help you look years younger.

Should You Consider Neck Contouring?

Get A Smoother and Slimmer Neck

A smooth, graceful neck portrays a sense of refinement and youthfulness that serves to enhance your appearance. A neck contouring procedure can help you achieve the natural beautiful neckline you’ve always desired.


Are You A Candidate?

Our Cosmetic Self Evaluation can help you decide if Neck Contouring is right for you.



Look Years Younger After Neck Rejuvenation

Neck contouring creates a firmer, smoother, and more refined appearance to the neck and chin. Even without making other changes to the face, improving a thick, wrinkled, sagging, or heavy neck can dramatically improve your appearance, helping you look years younger or even as though you’ve lost weight. Neck contouring can also help restore balance to the face by providing a better defined jawline that frames the rest of the face.


Are You Bothered By The Appearance Of Your Neck?

You may be a good candidate for neck contouring if you are bothered by:

  • The appearance of a “double chin” or fullness under the chin
  • A heavy or poorly defined jawline
  • Excess, sagging skin of the neck causing a “turkey neck” appearance
  • The appearance of wrinkles and creases of the neck
  • Vertical bands of the neck 

Procedure Steps

Know Your Options: Do You Need To Address The Fat, Skin, and/or Muscle?

There are two different surgical techniques that reshape your neck to eliminate a double chin and turkey necks. Which of these techniques is right for you depends on two things:

  • Do you have any excess skin?
  • Do you have loose neck muscles that cause a “turkey waddle” appearance?

If the answer to both of these questions is no and your skin is still elastic, then liposuction of the neck is a great option for you. If, on the other hand, you have excess skin and loose neck muscles, liposuction without skin removal is not your best choice. In fact, liposuction alone would make it look like you have even more excess skin. You are a candidate for a neck lift instead.

Neck Liposuction: Minimally Invasive Contouring With Minimal Downtime for Patients With Excess Fat and Good Skin

Do you feel that you have an excessively full chin or underjaw area, despite being at a health weight? Neck liposuction can achieve a better defined, more graceful neckline by permanent removing excess fat.

Most candidates for neck liposuction are relatively young (in their 20s to 50s)and have hereditary deposits of fat in their neck and under jaw region that make them appear heavier than they really are. If you have good elasticity then it’s likely you will have good skin retraction and an excellent contour with liposuction alone. Liposuction removes excess fat but cannot significant improve sagging skin.

For most patients, liposuction is a fairly quick procedure that can be performed using local anesthesia. Through a few tiny incisions concealed beneath the chin or behind the ears, excess fat is removed and the chin and neck are contoured.


  • Improves the appearance of a double chin or fullness underneath the chin
  • Refines the jawline to enhance the chin and balance facial appearance
  • Patients with good skin elasticity will typically see the best results
  • Can be combined with chin augmentation, nose reshaping, or facial contouring to further enhance facial contours
  • Results are long lasting so long as a patient maintains a stable weight

Neck Lift: For Patients with Sagging Skin and Loose Muscles

If you are bothered by loose, sagging skin on your neck, then a neck lift may be the solution.

A neck lift is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat and skin and tightens the loose muscles of the neck called the platysma. A neck lift with restore a pleasing youthful look to the neck and under-jaw area.

A neck lift procedure is typically performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. Through small incisions beneath the chin and behind the ears, the neck muscles are tightened, and excess fat and skin are removed to restore a smoother, firmer, and more youthful appearance to the neck.

Some patients have saggy jowls that descend into the neck area. In this situation, patients are often surprised to hear that what they actually need to correct their concern is a facelift, rather than a necklift. This is because the jowl area along the jawline is lifted during a facelift and not during a necklift.


  • Reduces or eliminates a turkey neck by removing excess, sagging skin
  • Smooths out wrinkles and creases throughout the neck
  • Improves the appearance of vertical neck bands
  • Results are long lasting and will age naturally with a patient
  • Can be combined with a facelift for more comprehensive facial rejuvenation

Nonsurgical Treatment Options: CoolSculpting Cool-Mini, Kybella, and Ultherapy

There are three nonsurgical treatments that can contour the neck without surgery or downtime.

It’s important to keep in mind that these treatments, while generally effective, produce much more most modest improvement in contour compared to the surgical treatments described above.

The nonsurgical treatments for neck contouring that are currently available include:

  • CoolSculpting Cool-Mini: CoolSculpting is a noninvasive, nonsurgical treatment that uses controlled cooling to freeze off unwanted fat cells. The frozen fat cells are absorbed harmlessly by the body, resulting in reduced fullness. The CoolScupting Cool-Mini is designed and approved specifically to treat the chin region. The treatment is very comfortable, side effects are minimal, and there is no downtime whatsoever. Patients can typically expect a 10-20% improvement in the treated area, as compared to 40-70% improvement for neck liposuction. The results from CoolSculpting are long lasting.
  • Kybella: Kybella is an injectable drug that contours and improves the appearance of fullness under the chin. Kybella is the first and only FDA approved injectable drug that contours and improves the appearance of chin fullness. The active ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occuring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath your skin, Kybella causes destruction of fat cells. Treatment with Kybella is performed as a series of 2-6 treatments administered at least one month apart. Common side effects include temporary swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness, and areas of hardness around the treatment area. Patients can typically expect a 10-20% improvement in the treated area. The results from Kybella treatment are long lasting.
  • Ultherapy: Ultherapy is a noninvasive treatment that uses safe ultrasound energy to tighten the skin without surgery or downtime. Ultherapy can be used to lift the chin, neck, eyebrow, and decolletage.  Ultherapy works by delivering focused ultrasound energy to the skin’s foundational layer to stimulate collagen production resulting in firming and tightening seen over the first 3-12 months after treatment. Ultherapy will not duplicate the results of a facelift but can be a good option for those not ready for surgery. The results from Ultherapy are very natural and subtle. 


Getting Back To Normal

Neck Liposuction

After neck liposuction, you will wear a special supportive chin strap for about 3 or 4 days. You should sleep with your head slightly elevated to minimize swelling, and you will be encouraged to minimize rotation of the neck. Any pain that is experienced is usually well controlled with prescription medication. Most patients are able to return to work within 1 week and to full activity after 2-3 weeks. Swelling, bruising, and numbness are typical after the procedure. These symptoms usually resolve within 1-3 weeks after surgery.

Neck Lift

After neck lift surgery, you will wear a special supportive chin strap for 3 to 7 days. You should sleep with your head slightly elevated to minimize swelling, and you will be encouraged to minimize rotation of the neck. Any pain that is experienced is usually well controlled with prescription medication.

Recovery time after a neck lift will depend on the individual, as well as the extent of surgery. Most patients can return to light activities within 3-5 days and return to work within 1-2 weeks. Expect your neck to feel tight for a few weeks, as well as bruising and swelling. Visible bruising usually subsides within 1-2 weeks, while swelling will gradually subside.


Exact Costs Vary Depending On Your Specific Needs and Desired Results

The cost of neck contouring varies from person to person and depends on a number of factors including your specific needs and desired results.

Factors that contribute to the cost of treatment include:

  • Your particular needs and goals
  • The extent and specific type of neck contouring procedure chosen
  • The experience and reputation of the plastic surgeon
  • Any advanced technology or surgical techniques that may be used
  • The geographic location where the procedure takes place
  • The surgical facility used
  • The type of anesthesia a patient selects

Costs of surgery may include fees for the surgeon, anesthesia, operating room, facility, equipment, implants, garments, aftercare, lab tests, and medications.

The cost for neck contouring ranges from $2,500 to $50,000.

We offer a range of patient financing plans including low monthly payment plans and plans for those with suboptimal credit histories.

You can find more information about our Financing plans here


Choose Your Surgeon Wisely

The Artist’s Eye

Improving the appearance of the neck requires a surgeon to understand the unique relationship between the anatomy of the face and neck and how each contributes to a patient’s natural appearance. To perform neck contouring safely and successfully, a surgeon must have experience in multiple facial cosmetic procedures as well as a highly-developed aesthetic eye.

Dr. Fan is an Expert with a Full Range of Neck Contouring Treatments Both Surgical and Non-Surgical

Dr. Fan is highly experienced with a range of neck contouring techniques and procedures including neck liposuction, neck lift, platysmaplasty, cervicoplasty, CoolSculpting Cool-Mini, Kybella, and Ultherapy. He also has extensive experience with a wide range of related facial enhancement procedures including facelift, chin enhancement, and nose reshaping. Dr. Fan will select the best procedure for your specific goals and facial characteristics. Dr. Fan believes that less is more and will use the simplest, safest, and most reliable procedure to help you look younger.

The Goal is To Help You Look Beautiful, Not Overdone

Dr. Fan is also highly experienced with non-invasive and minimally-invasive neck contouring treatments, so he will be able to help you understand the benefits, expected results, risks, and limitations of each type of treatment so that you can decide whether a non-surgical or surgical treatment is best for you.

Dr. Fan is known for his elegant sense of artistry and refined surgical skills. You will look rested, refreshed, younger, and natural.

See Your Results

Look More Youthful and Elegant


Neck contouring creates a firmer, smoother, and more refined appearance to the neck, chin, and underjaw area. This can help you look younger, more balanced, or as if you’ve lost weight.


Neck Contouring FAQ

What is a Neck Lift?

A neck lift is a surgical procedure to reduce the look of sagging, excess skin and loose muscles in the neck area and under the jawline. People who complain of a “turkey neck,” neck banding, or a heavy neck can benefit from the procedure.

At what age can a neck lift be performed?
A necklift can be performed at almost any age, although most people are in their 30s to 60s.
What is a Comprehensive Facial Rejuvenation Plan?

A successful facial rejuvenation treatment plan will incorporate elements to repair all of these changes (also known as the 4 R’s):

Redrape: Redrape, lift and tighten sagging skin and support tissues: Facelift, Neck Lift, Eyelid Surgery, Brow Lift, Ultherapy

Refill: Fill lost volume: Fat Transfer, Injectable Fillers

Repair: Repair skin damage: Skin Rejuvenation, Laser Skin Resurfacing, IPL Photofacial

Relax: Relax facial muscles that cause lines: Botox, Brow Lift

How is a Neck lift performed?
Like many cosmetic procedures, a neck lift is usually performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia with intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. Through small incisions under the ear and beneath the chin, excess fat and skin are removed and the muscles tightened.
Are there scars after a neck lift?

The incisions made for a neck lift will result in scars, but the scars tend to be well-concealed as they are mainly located behind the ear and beneath the chin.

Is the neck lift a painful procedure?

A neck lift may cause some discomfort which is usually well controlled with prescription medications.

What are the risks of neck lift?

A neck lift is a commonly performed procedure and is generally considered safe. All surgery, however, has potential risks and complications, and a neck lift is no exception. Potential risks include bleeding, infection, scarring, adverse reaction to anesthesia, damage to underlying structures, fluid collection beneath the skin (seroma or hematoma), lumpiness, numbness, mottling of the skin, cording, delayed healing, tissue loss, asymmetry, and general dissatisfaction with the results.

How long do the results from neck contouring last?

Surgery cannot stop aging (nothing can), so your neck contouring results will not last forever. However, the results from neck contouring surgery should last for several years before you start to see loose skin in the area again. Be aware that a significant weight gain could cause neck fullness and sagging.

How much does neck contouring cost?

Because neck contouring procedures are completely individualized treatments, it is impossible to provide a single total cost that applies across the board. Neck contouring costs vary according to several factors, and the costs can range in price from $1,500 to $30,000.

The cost of neck contouring will depend on many different factors, including:

•A patient’s particular needs

•The specific type of neck contouring procedure chosen

•The experience and reputation of the plastic surgeon

•Any advanced technology or surgical techniques that may be used

•The geographic location where the procedure takes place

•The surgical facility used

•The type of anesthesia a patient selects

Costs of surgery may include fees for the surgeon, anesthesia, operating room, facility, equipment, implants, garments, aftercare, lab tests, and medications.

We offer a range of patient financing plans including low monthly payment plans and plans for those with suboptimal credit histories.

You can find more information about our Financing plans here



Related Procedures


A facelift is a surgical procedure that lifts sagging skin and support tissues and restores a youthful contour to the face.

Learn More About Facelifts

Chin Enhancement

Chin enhancement is a surgical procedure that enhances the shape of the chin to improve facial proportions and balance.

More on Chin Enhancement Coming Soon


Nose reshaping, or rhinoplasty, is a surgical procedure that improves the appearance and proportions of the nose.

Learn More about Rhinoplasty

Facial Contouring

Facial contouring are a related set of surgical procedures that alter the proportions of the cheekbones, jaw, chin, and/or forehead to improve facial balance and proportion.

More about Facial Contouring Coming Soon


CoolSculpting uses controlled cooling to freeze and eliminate unwanted fat cells without surgery or downtime. CoolSculpting does not remove or tighten sagging skin. The results seen with CoolSculpting are more modest compared to those achieved with liposuction and tummy tucks.

Learn More About CoolSculpting


Kybella is an injectable that treats excess fullness of the chin.

Learn More About Kybella


Ultherapy is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment that uses ultrasound energy to firm, tighten, and lift the skin. The improvement seen after Ultherapy treatment is much more subtle and modest compared to the results of a facelift. Ultherapy is often used for maintenance treatment after facelift surgery. Ultherapy is not a suitable replacement for a facelift; patients who desire a facelift but choose Ultherapy are seldom happy patients.

Learn More about Ultherapy


I did a lot of research before choosing to have a costly elective procedure, and I’m glad I did. Dr. Fan is an exceptional surgeon. He has a remarkable sense of aesthetics. He made suggestions and recommendations I would not have come up with on my own but afterwards saw he’d been absolutely right about. In addition to all of this, he is a genuinely kind person. I have no regrets and if I were going to have anything done in the future I would go back to Dr. Fan."*

— Lisa A

Why Dr. Larry Fan & 77 Plastic Surgery


Larry Fan, MD

Dr. Larry Fan is an award winning, Harvard educated, and nationally recognized plastic surgeon. He is a progressive, compassionate thinker who is committed to achieving the highest levels of excellence and the very best aesthetic results. Dr. Fan is an expert facelift surgeon who is known for achieving natural beauty, never “overdone.”
Meet Dr. Fan

Harvard Trained & One of America's Top Plastic Surgeons

Dr. Fan is known for his elegant sense of artistry and refined surgical skills. He will perform your surgery with expert, world-class execution and has the results to prove.


Exceptional Results & Award Winning Care

Dr. Fan and his team are committed to providing you with exceptional care, counseling, and support before, during, and after surgery. We take pride and joy in caring for you and have received numerous awards for our compassionate care.


State-of-the-Art Office & Private Surgery Center

Come relax in our beautiful office and enjoy the comfort, safety, and privacy of our fully accredited onsite private surgery center.

Download Our Popular Book:

"Beauty for Life"

In this feature length book, you will learn:

  • How to look great at any age
  • How to find a beauty team that you can trust
  • How to choose the right skin care products for your skin type
  • How to choose between The Needle and The Knife

This book was written by top plastic surgeon, Dr. Larry Fan.



Ready For A Younger, Fresher You?

Schedule your consultation with Dr. Fan here.

During your consultation, Dr. Fan will take the time to address your specific goals and to discuss your treatment options. He will determine if you are a good candidate for neck contouring surgery and review the results that can be realistically achieved. He will also help you determine which complementary procedures may benefit you the most. 

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