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Breast Augmentation, Breast

Why Should I get A Breast Reduction? 6 Benefits of Going Smaller

It's not surprising that a lot of women suffer physical symptoms due to larger breasts. What is surprising, however, is that so many women do not realize their breasts are at the root of their suffering.

Large, heavy breasts can cause discomfort or be out of proportion to the rest of the body. With age and weight gain, your shoulders naturally roll forward, compressing nerve fibers in the space between your collarbone, shoulder blades, and ribs. Over time, the pain from these compressed nerves can be nagging and in some cases even excruciating.

Deciding to get a breast reduction is a decision you should make with the consult of a trusted plastic surgeon. They will be able to answer your questions and make recommendations on what is best for your body, and if a breast reduction will address the symptoms you are experiencing.

The Pros and Cons of a Breast Reduction

All of these symptoms can be a telltale sign your breasts are too heavy for your frame:

  • Pressure on the shoulders caused by bra straps supporting too much weight.
  • Severe back and neck pain.
  • Numbness in your hands and fingers.
  • Headaches.
  • Shortness of breath.

Breast reduction is a surgical procedure that reduces the size and weight of the breasts. It has proven to be a popular solution to alleviate pain and discomfort associated with large breasts. Still, many women wonder if it's worth the trouble of surgery to reduce your breast size and eliminate these issues.

Let's take a look at the pros and cons so you can better decide if a breast reduction is worth pursuing.

Six Benefits of Breast Reduction Surgery

1. Alleviate Back Pain

The weight of by heavy breasts often results in strain and discomfort in your back, neck, and shoulders. By reducing your breast size, you can alleviate that tension, and reduce or eliminate the pain.

2. A Well-Proportioned Body

Some women seek a breast reduction because their larger breasts are disproportionate to their body frame. By reducing the size, they have a well-balanced figure with breasts that are more shapely and perkier.

3. Better Clothing Fit

Finding clothes that fit correctly can be a hassle. When you have to buy clothes that are too large for your frame just so you can fasten in the front without pulling or gapping, it can be frustrating.

With breasts that are well proportioned for your body, you'll be able to fit into clothing better and alleviate some of the stress of shopping and deciding what to wear in the morning. You can also get relief from your bra straps digging into your shoulders, which can cause marks or even scarring in extreme cases.

4. More Enjoyable Exercising

A breast reduction may also improve your exercise experience! If breast, shoulder, or back discomfort is a part of your workouts or keeps from the gym altogether, going smaller could mean a more enjoyable workout.

5. Improved Hygiene

The lower breast and breast fold can be more susceptible to intertriginous rashes. A breast reduction can mean relief from, and prevention of, these rashes. If you have symptoms of intertriginous dermatitis, you should talk to your doctor about treatment right away.

6. Quick Recovery Time

Breast reduction surgery is safe and has a quick recovery time. There is little pain associated with this procedure, and post-op discomfort usually lasts only a day or so. Breast reduction patients can resume normal activities relatively soon.

Four Tradeoffs of Breast Reduction Surgery

While the benefits of a breast reduction procedures are great,\ and offer relief from pain and discomfort, there are a few potential tradeoffs that should be considered.

1. Scars

While there are great techniques used by plastic surgeons today to reduce the appearance of scars, there will be scarring from your breast reduction surgery that may be visible and permanent.

The degree of scarring and visibility varies from person to person. It's important to talk your doctor about what to expect, where the incisions will be made, and how to minimize scarring and have the best recovery possible.

2. Altered Sensitivity

Sensations in the breasts may be altered following your surgery, and there's a possibility that you'll experience difficulty with future breastfeeding and a decreased milk supply.

If you're not done having children, you'll want to keep this in mind as you make your decision. Waiting until you've finished childbearing to have a breast reduction is often recommended if you want to breastfeed your children. Also keep in mind, breasts often change throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding.

3. Nipple Numbness

Nipple numbness is also a possibility, which can lead to a decrease in sexual response to stimulation. However, most women don't consider this to be a major determining factor in light of the benefits the surgery offers. Nipple numbness may already be experienced due to having large breasts, and some women gain sensitivity after surgery.

Preservation of nerve supply and sensation are an important part of the procedure, which is another reason to find a qualified plastic surgeon who is experienced in this particular procedure.

4. Not Always Covered By Insurance

Unfortunately, even though this surgery is addressing health concerns, most insurance companies either don't cover breast reduction procedures, or their breast tissue removal requirements leave women with little to no breast tissue.

Because of the lack of insurance coverage, this procedure usually requires payment out-of-pocket. You should check your insurance policy and talk to your doctor about how much breast tissue to remove. Your doctor may also be able to help you find acceptable financing options.

Making the Best Decision for You

It's always best to be informed and to talk to a trusted doctor in order to make the best choice for you. You don't have to live in pain or discomfort, or deal with the other aggravating issues from from the size weight of your breasts. Most breast reduction patients are more than happy with their results, and enjoy their life with the relief that comes from well-proportioned breasts.

Don't let breasts that are too large get in the way of your life. Be proactive about your body and make the decision that is right for you and your health.

If are considering a breast reduction, you should schedule a consultation with Dr. Larry Fan and get your questions answered. You can also take advantage of a free online self-evaluation to see if you are a good candidate for breast reduction here.

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About the Author

Dr. Larry Fan is a Harvard educated, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in San Francisco, CA. He is a Master Artist who is known for creating beautiful, stunning, and natural results. Dr. Fan has been named One of America's Top Plastic Surgeons for the past 10 years running and has received several national awards for his work in Plastic Surgery. He has successfully performed more than 10,000 cosmetic procedures of the face, breasts, and body over a 20 year period. Dr Fan has been an invited speaker at the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the American College of Surgeons, and has been featured in national media outlets such as CNN, NBC, and ABC.

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