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Eyelid & Brow Lift Plastic Surgery

Eyelid surgery and brow lift surgery restore a more open, refreshed, and naturally youthful appearance to the eyes, brows, and forehead.

Should You Consider Eyelid Surgery or a Brow Lift?

Restore a More Open, Refreshed, and Youthful Appearance to the Eyes and Forehead

Sagging or droopy eyes or brows can cause a tired or sad appearance. Eyelid surgery and brow lift surgery can restore a more, refreshed, and youthful appearance to the eyes, brows, and forehead.

Are You A Candidate?

Our Cosmetic Self Evaluation can help you decide if Eyelid Surgery or a Brow Lift is right for you.



Sagging Eyelids or Brows Can Lead to a Tired or Sad Appearance

Our eyes do more than see, they communicate our feelings to others. Aging eyelids can affect our appearance in ways beyond just looking older. Because so much emotion is expressed with our eyes, sagging, droopy eyes or brows can cause a tired, sad, or even angry appearance, even when you feel great inside.

Restore a More Open, Refreshed, and Youthful Appearance to the Eyes and Forehead

Eyelid surgery and brow lift surgery are designed to counteract these changes and restore a more open, refreshed, and youthful appearance to the eyes, brows, and forehead. The results can be life enhancing, helping you feel more confident in your appearance. Your eyes will appear brighter and more naturally alert. If others mistakenly perceive you as tired or upset, an eyelid lift and/or brow lift can help your eyes more accurately portray your emotions. Also, if sagging eyelids are obstructing your ability to see, eyelid surgery and brow lift surgery can eliminate this problem and allow you to more fully open your eyes and to reduce straining.


You may be a good candidate for eyelid surgery and/or brow lift surgery if you are bothered by:

  • The appearance of “tired” or “droopy” eyes
  • Sagging upper eyelids
  • Puffiness or bags under the eyes
  • Low or heavy eyebrows
  • Wrinkles of the forehead or eyes
  • Frown lines between the eyebrows
  • A tired, worried, or angry look of the eyes or forehead

Procedure Steps

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery encompasses a number of different surgical techniques and may include a lift of the upper eyelid, lower eyelid, or both.

Upper Eyelid Surgery

Do you feel like your eyes always look tired, as though you are unhappy or less alert than you feel? Do your upper eyelids seem to lack contour or hide your eyelashes? Sagging, wrinkled skin of the upper eyelids can cause this type of appearance, and upper eyelid surgery can help remove the excess skin and restore a naturally youthful shape to your eyelids and a more open, refreshed appearance to your eyes.

Upper eyelid surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia, intravenous sedation, or general anesthesia and typically lasts 45 minutes to 2 hours. Through an incision made in the natural crease above the eye, a precise amount of excess skin and fat are removed, and the surrounding muscles are adjusted to make the desired improvements.

Lower Eyelid Surgery

Do you have puffy, sagging “bags” under your eyes or hollows that make you look as though you haven’t slept well, even though you have plenty of energy? This is likely due to herniated fat that collects beneath the eyes, as well as loosening and sagging of the lower eyelid support tissues. Puffy lower eyelids can occur in patients as young as their 20s, causing them to look much older than they actually are.

Lower eyelid surgery can be an excellent treatment to correct lower eyelid bags and hollowing. Lower eyelid surgery is usually performed as an outpatient procedure under intravenous sedation or general anesthesia and typically lasts 45 minutes to 2 hours. There are a variety of surgical techniques that can be used to improve the lower eyelids. Through incisions that are located on the outer edge of the lower eyelid, just beneath the eyelashes and/or inside the eyelid, herniated fat is removed or repositioned, the surrounding support tissues are tightened, and excess skin is removed. Fat may also be added to the lower eyelid hollows and upper cheek. These maneuvers will create a smooth, natural contour beneath the eyelid.

Brow Lift Surgery

Many patients who are concerned about excess skin in the upper eye area are surprised to discover that a browlift may be a more appropriate option that eyelid surgery. This is because the skin that is hooding the upper eyelid often arises from the brow area rather than the eyelid itself. A brow lift lifts and repositions this skin so that the hooding is corrected. Another popular reason for choosing a brow lift is to eliminate deep frown lines between the eyebrows (the 11’s) that can cause you look to look upset or tired.

Brow lift surgery and eyelid surgery are complementary procedures for eyelid improvement. Deciding whether to have a browlift, a blepharoplasty, or a combination of both is a very individual decision that depends on your particular anatomy, your aesthetic sense, and the artistry of your surgeon.

If you have noticed that your eye shadow is becoming harder to see or you have the feeling that your eyelid skin is resting on your lashes, your excess skin is treated by eyelid surgery. If you have excess skin and hooding occurring in the crow’s feet area outside the outer corner of the eye, a brow lift may be needed.

A useful tip is to look at your photos from decades ago to see if your brow has moved over the years. In some people the brow has slowly descended over time. If this has occurred, you are likely to benefit from a browlift.

Brow lift surgery is usually performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia, intravenous sedation, or general anesthesia and typically lasts 45 minutes to 2 hours. There are a variety of surgical techniques that can be used to lift the forehead and brows. Choosing which technique is best depends on your goals, anatomy, and the extent of correction needed to achieve the desired results.

Endoscopic Brow Lift

Endoscopic brow lift is an effective technique for lifting the forehead that is less invasive than a traditional browlift. Through a series of small incisions placed behind the hairline, a special tiny camera and thin instruments are used to release the forehead muscles and lift the underlying soft tissues, creating a naturally more youthful brow and forehead.

Temporal or Limited Incision Brow Lift

A temporal brow lift is another effective and minimally invasive technique for lifting the forehead. It is most commonly performed in conjunction with upper eyelid surgery. Through small incisions placed behind the hairline just above the temple, the tissues of the outer brow area are lifted and repositioned. Then, through incisions made for the upper eyelift, the muscles between the eyebrows are released to smooth out frown lines.


A browpexy is another minimally invasive technique for lifting the eyebrows. Through upper eyelid incisions, the lower forehead tissues are elevated, repositioned, and anchored to the underlying bone and soft tissues. The results from a browpexy are more subtle and limited compared to other browlift techniques.

Direct Brow Lift

A direct browlift involves the removal of excess forehead skin along existing forehead wrinkles or in the area just above the eyebrows. The scars are hidden in existing wrinkles or at the upper edge of the eyebrow. A direct browlift is a simple and popular treatment in Asia.

Classic, Open, or Coronal Brow Lift

The coronal browlift was once the gold standard for brow lift surgery but has fallen out of favor in recent years due to improvements in less invasive techniques. However, in certain cases, a coronal brow lift may still be necessary to achieve your desired results. A coronal brow lift involves one long incision running from ear to ear behind the hairline or just in front of the hairline. Excess skin, fat, and tissue are removed, and the remaining skin and brow muscles are repositioned into a more youthful position.

Nonsurgical Treatments: Botox and Ultherapy

There are two nonsurgical treatments that can contour the eyes and forehead without surgery or downtime.

It’s important to keep in mind that these treatments, while generally effective, produce more most modest and shorter lasting improvements compared to the surgical treatments described above.

The nonsurgical treatments for eyelid and forehead rejuvenation that are currently available include:

Botulinum (Botox Cosmetic): Botox is an injection treatment that relaxes the muscles that cause frown, worry, and smile lines. When artfully administered, Botox can smoothen the forehead, outer eye region (crow’s feet), and region between the eyebrows (glabella), as well reshape and lift the brows. The effects are Botox are more mild compared to surgery; a surgical brow lift is much more effective at raising the eyebrows. The effects from Botox last only a few months, whereas the effects of brow lift surgery generally last several years.

Ultherapy: Ultherapy is a noninvasive treatment that uses safe ultrasound energy to tighten the skin without surgery or downtime. Ultherapy can be used to lift the chin, neck, eyebrow, and decolletage.  Ultherapy works by delivering focused ultrasound energy to the skin’s foundational layer to stimulate collagen production resulting in firming and tightening seen over the first 3-12 months after treatment. The effects of Ultherapy are more mild compared to surgery; a surgical brow lift is much more effective at raising the eyebrows. The effects from Ultherapy will last 1-2 years, whereas the effects of brow lift surgery generally last several years. The results from Ultherapy are very natural and subtle. Ultherapy can be a good option for those not ready for surgery.


Eyelid Lift Surgery

During the first 1 to 2 weeks after eyelid surgery, you should expect visible bruising and swelling, and your eyelids may feel unusually tight. Most patients report feeling more soreness than pain. Using cold compresses and keeping your head elevated can help alleviate discomfort. Most patients are able to return to work in 1-2 weeks. Minor swelling can last for several weeks or even a few months.*

Brow Lift Surgery

Patients typically experience little pain after a brow lift, but it is common to feel slight discomfort as well as a sensation of tightness throughout the forehead. Swelling and bruising are common and typically resolve after about 2 weeks. Here are some typical recovery milestones following brow lift surgery:*

  • Day of surgery: Walking around the house is encouraged
  • 1 to 2 days after surgery: showering is permitted; be gentle around incision sites
  • 1 week after surgery: return to a sedentary job; some patients are able to return to work earlier. You may tire more easily, so consider a more limited work schedule initially. If you are concerned about bruising, we can recommend options for camouflage makeup.
  • 1 to 2 weeks after surgery: resume driving, as long as you have full mobility and are no longer taking prescription pain medication
  • 2 to 4 weeks after surgery: gradually resume exercise

Visualize Your Results

Eyelid and browlift surgery create a firmer, smoother, and more relaxed appearance to the eye and forehead areas. This can help you look younger and more refreshed.


Exact Costs Vary Depending On Your Specific Needs and Desired Results

The cost of eyelid and forehead surgery varies from person to person and depends on a number of factors including your specific needs and desired results.

Factors that contribute to the cost of treatment include:

  • Your particular needs and goals
  • The extent, specific type, and number of procedures chosen
  • The experience and reputation of the plastic surgeon
  • Any advanced technology or surgical techniques that may be used
  • The geographic location where the procedure takes place
  • The surgical facility used
  • The type of anesthesia a patient selects

Costs of surgery may include fees for the surgeon, anesthesia, operating room, facility, equipment, implants, garments, aftercare, lab tests, and medications.

The cost for eyelid surgery and brow lift surgery ranges from $4,000 to $30,000.

We offer a range of patient financing plans including low monthly payment plans and plans for those with suboptimal credit histories.

You can find more information about our Financing plans here

Choose Your Surgeon Wisely

The Artist’s Eye

Improving the appearance of the eyes requires a surgeon to understand the unique relationship between the anatomy of the face and eyes and how each contributes to a patient’s natural appearance. To perform eyelid and brow lift safely and successfully, a surgeon must have experience in multiple facial cosmetic procedures as well as a highly-developed aesthetic eye.

Dr. Fan is an Expert with a Full Range of Eyelid and Forehead Treatments Both Surgical and Non-Surgical

Dr. Fan is highly experienced with a range of eyelid and brow rejuvenation techniques and procedures. He also has extensive experience with a wide range of related facial enhancement procedures including facelift, chin enhancement, and nose reshaping. Dr. Fan will select the best procedure for your specific goals and facial characteristics. Dr. Fan believes that less is more and will use the simplest, safest, and most reliable procedure to help you look younger.

Dr. Fan is also highly experienced with non-invasive and minimally-invasive facial rejuvenation treatments, so he will be able to help you understand the benefits, expected results, risks, and limitations of each type of treatment so that you can decide whether a non-surgical or surgical treatment is best for you.

The Goal is To Help You Look Beautiful, Not Overdone

Dr. Fan is known for his elegant sense of artistry and refined surgical skills. You will look rested, refreshed, younger, and natural.

See Your Results

Look More Youthful and Elegant

Eyelid surgery and brow lift surgery create a firmer, smoother, and more refined appearance to the eyes and forehead. This can help you look younger and more rested.


Eyelid & Brow Lift Plastic Surgery FAQ

What is blepharoplasty, and what is a brow lift?

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is a surgical procedure to remove excess fat, skin, and atrophied or loose muscle from the upper and lower eyelids.

Brow lift surgery, or a forehead lift, is a surgical procedure to lift the muscles and tissues of the forehead and eyebrows, producing a smoother forehead.

At what age can eyelid surgery and brow lift surgery be performed?
Eyelid surgery and brow lift surgery can be performed at almost any age, although most people are in their 30s to 60s. Some patients with congenital conditions such as eyebags, absent double eyelid folds, or low eyebrows have surgery in their 20s.
How is eyelid surgery performed?
Like many cosmetic procedures, eyelid surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia, intravenous sedation, or general anesthesia. During eyelid surgery, incisions are made within the natural creases of the eyelids or inside the eyelid. Excess fat is removed or repositioned, excess skin is removed and the muscles are tightened.
How much pain will I have after surgery?
There is usually not much discomfort after eyelid or brow lift surgery. You may have mild soreness that can be controlled with medications. Feelings of tightness of the eyes or forehead are also common.
Are there scars after eyelid surgery and brow lift surgery?

As with any surgical procedure, some scarring is expected. However, scarring with eyelid surgery and brow lift surgery are typically minimal and inconspicuous after several months of healing.

Will eyelid surgery get rid of my crow’s feet?

No. Eyelid surgery is not designed to remove the wrinkles at the outer corners of the eyes (crow’s feet) or to fix sagging brows. There are other procedures available that can be used to remove wrinkles near the eyes, including laser resurfacing, intense pulsed light, and Botox treatments.

Will eyelid surgery help with the dark circles under my eyes?

Eyelid surgery can slightly help with the dark circles under the eye that are caused by large bags. But the darkness of the lower eyelid skin usually stays even after eyelid surgery. In this case, chemical peels and laser resurfacing can help.

Will a brow lift get rid of these deep frown lines between my eyes?

Yes. Frown lines between the eyes are one of the most commons reasons patients seek brow lift surgery. Patients tell us about hearing comments such as “she looks angry” when, in fact, they are good-natured. Frown lines are often the result of chronic muscle tension and aging, and these muscles are released during surgery. Some of the deepest frown lines may not completely resolve, but they will be significantly improved. Adding a finishing touch with filler or resurfacing treatments provides optimal results.

Will I look surprised after a brow lift?

An artfully performed brow lift procedure will not leave you with a surprised look. However, it’s not uncommon for patients to see a temporary “surprised” look for a few weeks after surgery due to temporary swelling.


What are the risks of eyelid surgery and brow lift surgery?

Eyelid surgery and brow lift surgery are commonly performed procedure and are generally considered safe. All surgery, however, has potential risks and complications, and these procedures are no exception. Minor complications associated with these procedures include temporary double or blurred vision, temporary swelling, and tiny white pimples around the eyes.

Your eyes may also heal at different rates, which means that they will be temporarily asymmetrical. More serious risks include bleeding, infection, scarring, adverse reaction to anesthesia, damage to underlying structures, fluid collection beneath the skin (seroma or hemotoma), lumpiness, numbness, delayed healing, tissue loss, permanent asymmetry, difficulty closing the eyes, alopecia, and general dissatisfaction with the results.

How long do the results from eyelid surgery and brow lift surgery last?

Surgery cannot stop aging (nothing can), so your eyelid surgery and brow lift results will not last forever. However, the results from eyelid surgery and brow lift surgery should last for several years before you start to see loose skin in the area again..

What is the difference between Eyelid Surgery vs. Brow Lift vs. Facelift?

When it comes to facial cosmetic surgery, it can be difficult to know which procedure you really need to optimally address the signs of aging that concern you. If you have sagging, hollowed cheeks and eyelid bags, do you need a facelift or an eyelid lift? If you have a tired, worried appearance, will an eyelift lift or brow lift help you more?

While the best way to determine the most appropriate procedure or procedures for you is to discuss your concerns with an experienced, qualified plastic surgeon, it may help to associate each facial procedure with certain regions of aging:

  • Brow Lift: Improves the forehead, above the eyebrows, and the upper eyes
  • Eyelid Lift: Improves the area around the eyes including the upper eyelids and lower eyelids
  • Face Lift: Improves the mid to lower face, from the cheekbones to the chin and jawline
  • Neck Lift: Improves the neck, from the chin to the collar bone


What is Asian blepharoplasty?

Asian blepharoplasty is an eyelid surgery that creates or enhances a crease in the upper eyelid. It is popular among Asians who have what is referred to as a “single eyelid” (with no crease or a hidden crease) and would prefer a “double eyelid” (one with a crease). This ethnic plastic surgery procedure is one of the most requested procedures among Asians young and old. You can learn more about Asian blepharoplasty here (link to Asian blepharoplasty page).



Related Procedures


A facelift is a surgical procedure that lifts sagging skin and support tissues and restores a youthful contour to the mid and lower face.

Learn More about Facelift


Botox, or botulinum, is a very popular treatment that reduces and prevents the development of facial wrinkles caused by facial muscles. Botox is most commonly used to treat unwanted lines across the forehead, the “11s” between the eyebrows, and the crow’s feet next to the eyes. Botox is administered as a quick, in-office injection with no downtime. Botox is commonly used as a maintenance treatment before and after eyelid and brow lift surgery.

Learn More About Botox


Ultherapy is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment that uses ultrasound energy to firm, tighten, and lift the skin. The improvement seen after Ultherapy treatment is much more subtle and modest compared to the results of a surgery. Ultherapy is often used for maintenance treatment after eyelid, forehead, and facelift surgery. Ultherapy is not a suitable replacement for eyelid surgery, brow lift, or facelift; patients who desire surgical rejuvenation but choose Ultherapy are seldom happy patients.

Learn More about Ultherapy

Laser Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is a treatment to reduce facial wrinkles, blemishes, irregularities, and scars using concentrated beams of light. Laser resurfacing of the eyes and face is often performing in conjunction with or after eyelid surgery or a brow lift to repair sun damaged skin.

Learn More About Laser Resurfacing
IPL Photofacial

IPL, or intensed pulsed light, is a photofacial treatment to reduce brown spots, redness, age spots, broken blood vessels, and rosacea. IPL is often performed after a facelift to repair aging skin.

Learn More About IPL Photofacial - Coming Soon


I did a lot of research before choosing to have a costly elective procedure, and I’m glad I did. Dr. Fan is an exceptional surgeon. He has a remarkable sense of aesthetics. He made suggestions and recommendations I would not have come up with on my own but afterwards saw he’d been absolutely right about. In addition to all of this, he is a genuinely kind person. I have no regrets and if I were going to have anything done in the future I would go back to Dr. Fan."*

— Lisa A

Why Dr. Larry Fan & 77 Plastic Surgery


Larry Fan, MD

Dr. Larry Fan is an award winning, Harvard educated, and nationally recognized plastic surgeon. He is a progressive, compassionate thinker who is committed to achieving the highest levels of excellence and the very best aesthetic results. Dr. Fan is an expert facelift surgeon who is known for achieving natural beauty, never “overdone.”
Meet Dr. Fan

Harvard Trained & One of America's Top Plastic Surgeons

Dr. Fan is known for his elegant sense of artistry and refined surgical skills. He will perform your surgery with expert, world-class execution and has the results to prov


Exceptional Results & Award Winning Care

Dr. Fan and his team are committed to providing you with exceptional care, counseling, and support before, during, and after surgery. We take pride and joy in caring for you and have received numerous awards for our compassionate care.


State-of-the-Art Office & Private Surgery Center

Come relax in our beautiful office and enjoy the comfort, safety, and privacy of our fully accredited onsite private surgery center.

Download Our Popular Book:

"Beauty for Life"

In this feature length book, you will learn:

  • How to look great at any age
  • How to find a beauty team that you can trust
  • How to choose the right skin care products for your skin type
  • How to choose between The Needle and The Knife

This book was written by top plastic surgeon, Dr. Larry Fan.



Ready For A Younger, Fresher You?

Schedule your consultation with Dr. Fan here.

During your consultation, Dr. Fan will take the time to address your specific goals and to discuss your treatment options. He will determine if you are a good candidate for neck contouring surgery and review the results that can be realistically achieved. He will also help you determine which complementary procedures may benefit you the most.



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